Members’ Forum 2024
You’re invited to the Wilderness Society Members’ Forum 2024!
Thursday, 26 September 2024
6:00pm AEST
(1 hour)
The Board of The Wilderness Society Ltd is hosting the annual Members’ Forum in September and welcomes all Members to share their thoughts and ideas at this interactive, online Member-led event.
The Forum is an opportunity to discuss issues impacting nature in Australia with others who share your concerns.
How will the Members’ Forum work?
Wilderness Society Members interested in attending this year's Forum can complete the registration form below before 25 September. If there are any topics you would particularly like to discuss with our Board of Directors, please also let us know in the form below.
Registered Members will be able to join the facilitated conversation online from any location, on any device which supports Zoom. This year, the format will be that of an online Town Hall meeting providing an opportunity for Members to meet one another along with governors of the Wilderness Society.
Participants are encouraged to bring a keen sense of curiosity and wisdom of experience to reflect on their membership experiences with The Wilderness Society and provide feedback.
The Board will consider any recommendations flowing from the Forum.
For questions please contact the Wilderness Society Supporter Care Team.
Keep an eye out for further information and updates here!
Thank you to all our Members for providing ongoing support and commitment to the Wilderness Society, we truly cannot progress our important Purpose without your support.
I look forward to speaking with you all in September,
Karl Tischler
Convenor, on behalf of the Board
The Wilderness Society Ltd