News - 01 August 2018

End Rainforest Logging in Tasmania

The Tasmanian Government wants to log at least 420,000 hectares of pristine, old-growth rainforests in conservation reserves across the state. Help us stop them.

The Tasmanian Government has identified 420,000 hectares of conservation reserves across Tasmania—a state that lives by its clean, green wilderness—and decided to hand them over to the commercial logging industry.

Yet even the logging industry thinks this is a bad idea, as does everyone else: Labor, the Greens, the markets, the timber industry peak body FIAT, environment groups and most Tasmanians.

Everyone’s moved on. Except Will Hodgman.

Logging rainforests in 2018 is unacceptable. Now more than ever, the world needs to protect ancient forests from further destruction.

Some of the world’s highest-value forests are in Tasmania, which is why it’s so important to protect them. These forests belong to the people of Tasmania and fellow Australians. We can and will stop them being logged.

Help us succeed in ending rainforest logging in Tasmania, once and for all.