News - 08 October 2021

Forico’s Natural Capital Report is a waymarker for the future of forestry in lutruwita/Tasmania and beyond

  • Forico’s new Natural Capital Report 2021 puts a financial value on the carbon stocks, ecosystems and biodiversity on the 174,000ha of land that it manages

  • Report finds that Forico’s land carbon stocks and biodiversity are worth billions of dollars

  • In a future where plantation forestry will have a greater focus, it’s important that plantation companies take nature and raising environmental standards seriously

    Wilderness Society Tasmania campaign manager Tom Allen presenting Forico CEO Bryan Hayes with a copy of Celebrating Wilderness.

The Wilderness Society has welcomed the release of Forico’s 2021 Natural Capital Report.

“The Wilderness Society welcomes Forico’s second Natural Capital Report. It is significant that Tasmania’s largest forestry company is seeking to be ‘net nature positive’,” said Tom Allen, campaign manager for the Wilderness Society Tasmania.

The report finds that the social and financial value of the land that Forico manages has a multibillion-dollar value of far greater value to society than just the company’s bottom line.

“This forestry company is certified by full Forest Management by the Forest Stewardship Council and self-reports to several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals,” said Mr Allen.

“This company and this natural capital report show that you can be in forestry and not destroy high conservation value native forests, which brings opportunities to evolve, grow and adapt to a market increasingly demanding nature-based solutions.

“In the national transition out of high conservation value forests, it is critical that Australian companies take environmental standards seriously—as is expected by communities, and increasingly retailers and consumers of timber products.

“Forico’s natural capital accounting is a waymarker for the future of forestry not just in lutruwita/Tasmania but the rest of the country too,” said Mr Allen.

Contact Tom Allen on 0434 614 323

Forico’s Natural Capital Report 2021