Media Releases - 08 April 2021

Lake Malbena is located within the Legislative Council division of Derwent. Where do its 3 (current) candidates stand on parks privatisation?

Lake Malbena in Walls of Jerusalem National Park.

The Wilderness Society Tasmania has asked the three current candidates standing in the Legislative Council division of Derwent where they stand on the issue of parks privatisation and, specifically, whether they support or oppose the push to privatise Halls Island on Lake Malbena.

Derwent has three candidates running, representing the Tasmanian Liberal Party, the Tasmanian Labor Party and the Tasmanian Animal Justice Party. 

“If any of the three candidates stands up for keeping national parks public and unprivatised, and opposes the Lake Malbena privatisation push, such is the public strength of feeling about this issue across the island, it could make all the difference to the election result in Derwent,” said Tom Allen for the Wilderness Society Tasmania. 

The candidates have also been asked if they support changing the current State Government tourism EOI scheme to one that encourages rural and regional sustainable tourism proposals instead of developing national parks. 

The pledge that the Wilderness Society Tasmania is asking candidates to support reads: 

“Yes, I support a new, transparent and properly public consulted Tasmanian Government Expression of Interest (EOI) process for local regional and rural communities to put forward sustainable tourism proposals instead of an EOI process that privatises remote national parks.”

Tom Allen, 0434 614 323

Authorised by Tom Allen, 130 Davey St, Hobart