Media Releases - 03 October 2019

Significant Support for Action following WA EPA Greenhouse Gas Emissions Consultation Process

  • Submissions received on this three-month submission process reach almost 7000 in number
  • Overwhelming majority support original guidelines rescinded in March 2019, with a substantial number pushing for further strengthening of review guidelines
  • Expert climate scientists, business, community, industry groups and Western Australians call for sensible action on climate

The submissions received by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) during their consultation process on their Greenhouse Gas Emissions Guidelines has produced an overwhelming tide of support for strong action on emissions from Western Australians.

Released by the EPA yesterday, submissions show not only overwhelming support for the original guidelines, which were rescinded in March 2019 following significant industry lobbying against them, but a call for further strengthening of their review guidelines.

Acting State Director for The Wilderness Society Western Australia, Kit Sainsbury, commented: “The Western Australian community has spoken and it doesn’t bode well for the biggest emitters in our state. Nearly 7,000 people expressed their views, and upon review of these submissions, an overwhelming majority are calling for the EPA to represent their values and stringently review emissions guidelines for proposals passing across their desks. 

“Tellingly, these submissions are from the full scope of WA society - leading climate scientists, faith groups, businesses and community groups all calling for stronger action in the way the emissions stemming from massive greenhouse gas emitters in our state are reviewed.

“The EPA needed to take this wider, fully transparent consultation process due to the supposed lack of clarity on the previous review period - spearheaded by the leading emitters. This has now occurred and submissions from all engaged parties are visible. Not only is this a clear indicator of public perception on the emissions issue from WA but it also highlights the way in which big industry perceives their role in stemming emissions from their industry operations. 

“The Wilderness Society calls upon the EPA to take note of the huge swath of support for strong review processes across the societal spectrum and to act accordingly when implementing their new guidelines. This is a time to stand strong in the face of big industry who are determined to pass the buck on their corporate responsibilities whilst flagrantly taking advantage of the goodwill of Western Australians.

“The EPA consists of independent, well respected scientists. Now is the moment to listen to the science and act.”

The Environmental Protection Authority's submissions received during their consultation process can be viewed here: 

For further comment contact Kit Sainsbury, State Director, on 94207255.