News - 13 May 2018

Tell Tasmania's elected representitives not to put logging profits before your parks

The current Tasmanian State Liberal Government intends to log thousands of reserved forests surrounding existing parks and reserves across Tasmania.

The sensible thing to do would simply be to add these reserves to the adjacent parks, because:

  1. conservation tourism is booming;
  2. Tasmanians love visiting these areas; and
  3. Parks and Wildlife already manage these reserves. 

But instead of doing the right, sensible and obvious thing, Will Hodgman wants to log them. 

We WILL stop him—but, to do that, we need your help. 

Please contact your elected representatives—whether they be State MPs, new candidates asking for your vote, or Federal MPs and candidates. The message is the same: Don't put logging before people and their parks

Let them know that you want the parks completed by adding the reserves, not new logging zones.


Liberal Premier Will Hodgman’s electorate office: (03) 6165 7830 Email [email protected]

Labor Leader Bec White’s electoral office: (03) 6212 2225 Email [email protected]

Greens leader Cassy O’Connor’s electoral office: (03) 6212 2228 Email cassy.o’[email protected]

Here's a list of all Tasmania's State and Federal elected representatives, including their contact details.

Want to know more?

For more information on this issue, please get in touch with: