Stop the Mindless Release

Stop the Mindless Release

Protect our ocean wonders, stop fossil fuel exploration in our marine wilderness.

There is no room for more oil and gas. From Ningaloo Reef to the Great Australian Bight, Australia’s waters protect rare and spectacular marine life—much of which is found nowhere else on Earth. If they’re lost from these oceans, they’re lost for good.

The spectacular coastline of Kangaroo Island.

Each year, the ‘offshore acreage release’ process allows oil and gas companies to start a chain of destruction in Australia’s oceans. Seismic blasting wipes out small marine life and disrupts the migrations of dolphins and whales. And if companies drill for oil, marine creatures risk being suffocated in an oil spill disaster.

Together we can empower communities around Australia to keep pushing back oil and gas companies. You’ll also help transform the decision-making process, so we can keep fossil fuel barons out of our oceans for good.

Help end this madness, donate today!

This year, the Australian government released an area of marine wilderness the size of lutruwita / Tasmania for fossil fuel exploration. Communities have little say in this annual process, which opens up oceans to some of the most destructive activities on the planet.

From start to finish, fossil fuel exploration is devastating for Australian oceans. It begins with deafening seismic blasting and often ends in drilling of the sea floor. An oil spill would be catastrophic, with the potential to wipe out marine animals not found anywhere else on Earth.

Seismic blasting is devastating for marine life—and that’s just the start

  • Seismic blasting fires loud explosions every 10-15 seconds 24 hours a day.
  • One blast from a sonar air gun can kill tiny zooplankton more than a kilometre away.
  • It can damage whales’ hearing and keep them from vital feeding and breeding grounds.
  • The noise reaches 250 decibels—which is 70 decibels louder than a rocket launch.
Whales and other marine life are severely affected by seismic blasting.

For a safe climate and healthy oceans, we must stop new fossil fuel projects

The expert global International Energy Agency (IEA) announced in May that to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, there should be no new oil and gas exploration at all from this year onwards.

Yet new oil and gas exploration proposals are threatening some of Australia’s most iconic and important wilderness areas—like the Kimberley, the Munga-Thirri / Simpson Desert and the Great Australian Bight.

Like the IEA, we know the best time to stop these irresponsible new fossil fuel developments is before they even start.

With the support of thousands of people like you, we kicked Santos, Equinor, BP and Chevron out of the Great Australian Bight.

Together, we can continue to expose the mindlessness of the ongoing release of new acreage to this industry and take on the big corporations that put places of World Heritage value at risk to extract more oil and gas that we simply don’t need.

Donate today

Unique marine wildernesses under threat

Please help keep Australia’s oceans safe

Hands Across the Sand event opposing oil in the Bight, Port Willunga, SA. Image: Samra Teague
Stop fossil fuel giants from making themselves at home in Australia’s oceans
  • Tell Australians about the beautiful marine ecosystems being handed over for oil and gas exploitation.
  • Support coastal communities to defend the oceans they love and depend on.
  • Change the acreage release process, so it favours nature and people over fossil fuel companies.