Tasmanian State Election 2021: the key environmental issues

Tasmanian State Election 2021: the key environmental issues

There’s never been a time when lutruwita/Tasmania’s nature has needed your help more than now.

Here is some information for voters and candidates about some of lutruwita/Tasmania’s most urgent environmental issues that need your help. Please consider these key environmental issues:

Halls Island in Walls of Jerusalem National Park. Image: Rob Blakers.
  1. National Parks: Keep the island’s public national parks public, properly protected and available to everyone to visit. This includes throughout the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, the planet’s highest-rated World Heritage wilderness area. Stop the Lake Malbena privatisation push. See below for a table on where Lyons & Derwent candidates—parties and one independent—stand on Lake Malbena and parks privatisation.

  2. Kooparoona Niara (Great Western Tiers) National Park: Support this groundbreaking proposed new national park, which would be the island’s first ever national park that is returned to the rightful ownership of the island’s first peoples, the palawa-pakana, who would also own, run and manage the national park. Kooparoona Niara would also be the island’s first substantial new national park in 30 years.

  3. Native Forests: Protect the island’s unique and globally-significant High Conservation Value Native forests. Transition the native logging sector out of these forests to a plantation-based forestry future.

Authorised by Tom Allen, 130 Davey St, Hobart