Deforestation: Following the money

Our latest report exposes the global finance sector’s links to forest destruction in Australia—and shows why deforestation should be considered a serious financial risk for investors.

Recent efforts to call out the financial institutions responsible for funding deforestation have focused on places like the Amazon. But Australia is also a deforestation hotspot, with large-scale land clearing and logging destroying hundreds of thousands of hectares of forest and bushland each year—fuelling climate change and the extinction crisis.

However, things are rapidly changing. Much like we’ve seen with climate risk, it’s overseas investors that are setting the standard for what level of nature destruction and species loss is acceptable in Australia.

That’s why we commissioned EY to produce our newest report:

Following the money: Financial services’ links to deforestation and forest degradation in Australia.

This report:

  • examines current and emerging European regulations relating to deforestation and biodiversity, which will impact Australian companies and their financiers

  • identifies where deforestation and forest degradation is happening in Australia

  • uncovers which sectors are contributing to deforestation in Australia

  • exposes who is financing deforestation in Australia

  • offers guidance for financial institutions with links to deforestation in Australia on how to prepare for the inevitable shift to a more sustainable future

Fill in your details below to download the report. If you would like to hear from us with further opportunities to learn more about biodiversity risk for climate-focused investors, please select the appropriate tick boxes below.