Media Releases - 03 September 2019
Still logging leatherwood? Sustainable Timber Tasmania Give it up.
Sustainable Timber Tasmania (STT) continues to log High Conservation Value forest despite the crises facing our unique species and habitats.
Now that STT has established its new Planning Guidelines for Apiary Values, which has been agreed by the Tasmanian Beekeepers Association, it should abandon plans to log coupe TN005D near Maydena because it’s full of mature leatherwood.
Image: Mature leatherwood trees inside coupe TN005A | Barend Becker
“Coupe TN005D is just one of many logging coupes across the state containing beautiful old trees and rich habitat,” said Tom Allen of the Wilderness Society, “but it’s on the chopping block and could fall victim to state-sponsored taxpayer-subsidised logging any day now, which is crazy.”
“It’s hard to understand how logging this sort of forest, which is home to a stand of mature leatherwood trees, makes economic sense, is ecologically sensible or is good for the beekeeping industry. We know the beekeepers are desperate for access to these agriculturally critical leatherwood trees.”
Image: Mature leatherwood inside of coupe TN005A | Barend Becker
“In the context of both climate and extinction crises, and with beekeepers desperate for leatherwood, STT should abandon their plans to log this coupe and leave this important habitat alone.”
For further comment contact Tom Allen, 0434 614 323
Image: Wilderness Society's Danny Carney standing 'inside' a big old eucalypt inside coupe TN005A | Barend Becker